Winners’ List Battle Of Britain Draw 13 September 2020. Our most profitable draw ever. Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket.

PrizeNumber/Name on Ticket
1Tiger Moth Flight1798 J J Faire
2Helicopter Flight0275 Sally Martin
3Flight Simulator Experience1229 Jessica Crystal
4£50.00 cash1180 Sue Elderton
5£40.00 John Lewis Voucher2382 Ryan Morris
6Battle of Britain Hamper0259 Middleditch
7Spitfire Print1364 Mick Barham
8Galileo Thermometer1214 Lindy Soame
9Botanical Spirits2617 J Pridham
10Book “The Beaufighter Boys”2057 Nicki Lock
11Book “100 Greatest Women in Aviation” (signed copy)0053 Thomas Matthews
12Books: “The Perils and the Prize” and “Churchill’s Admiral in Two World
0574 William Ward
13Set of Dome Aircraft Cards0633 Dave Sandford
14Wine1063 Sinclair
15£25.00 voucher1628 Ben Marchbank
16Famous Grouse Whisky1746 Ray Eley
17Book “Shot Down and in the Drink”0330 Craig Weston
18Book “The Aircraft Book”1094 Tom Benson
19Family Pass Norwich Aviation Museum1115 G Wynne
Super BonusWater Colour1460 Roy
2nd BonusTwo Aviation Books1067 Sinclair
We would like to thank everyone who bought a ticket for making this our most profitable draw ever.